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E-katalog skupiny BLOCK®

Laminar fields 108.02/B

Laminar fields are used to direct incoming air from PUROFIL filtration adapters.

The casing of the laminarizator is attached to the filtration adapters which form laminar fields in the lightweight metal suspended ceiling. A laminar field may consist of filtration adapters only or combined with light fixtures and tiles. If necessary, the facing can be designed for laminar fields of different sizes. Flexible or solid screens can be attached to the facing along the perimeter of the laminar field, with standard or antistatic design. Laminar fields can be set next to each other.


Product type
Laminar field of PUROFIL adapters

Number of laminar flow fields
layout must be documented in a drawing

Number of PUROFIL filtration adapters in a laminar field
for adapters with filter 570x570 mm, layout must be documented in a drawing
for adapters with filter 1180x1180 mm, layout must be documented in a drawing
for adapters with filter 1180x555 mm, layout must be documented in a drawing

Height of laminar field facing
150 mm
175 mm
200 mm
225 mm
150, 175, 200, 225 - facing height in mm

Outlet design
laminarizator - standard
perforated metal sheet

Lighting - only for the laminarizator version
without lighting
with fluorescent lighting

Shape of laminar flow field
L-shaped array – shape and screens must be documented in a drawing
rectangle in LK consisting of N x M ceiling panels (O2x1 ÷ O4x3, n=max.4, m=max.3)

Locations of screen holders (except for L-shaped brackets)
screens at side, front, side side
screens along the whole perimeter of the laminar field
screens at front, side, rear side
screens at front and left side (front side is longer), same as rear and right side
screens at front and right side (front side is longer), same as rear and left side
screens at front (longer) side
screens not specified

without screens
flexible slat screens
fixed screens
flexible antistatic slat screens
fixed antistatic screens

Screen length
length of screens in mm (min. length 250 mm)

Facing material and surface finish
steel sheet class 11, hue RAL 1015, 5% extra charge
steel sheet class 11, hue RAL 6027, 5% extra charge
steel sheet class 11, hue RAL 9002, 5% extra charge
steel sheet class 11, hue RAL 9016
stainless steel AISI 304